Dengan Scaling Otomatis & Skema Harga "Pay-per-use" untuk Biaya yang lebih efisien.
Instalasi otomatis dalam beberapa klik tanpa proses manual.
Mix and match pilihan cloud yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan proyek.
Otomisasi proses DevOps dengan open API dan Cloud Scripting.
Cluster dapat diskalakan vertikal dan horizontal secara otomatis.
Pengelolaan single point via UI yang intuitif dan Web SSH bawaan.
Bayar hanya sesuai dengan resources yang digunakan dan keuntungan dari container density.
Eksplor langkah-langkah untuk instalasi cluster Kubernetes dari instruksi di bawah ini.
To get started, log in to the dashboard, find the Kubernetes Cluster in the Marketplace and click Install.
Note that this clustered solution is available only for billing customers – learn about trial limitations.
Choose the type of installation:
By default, here you are offered to install Open Liberty operator with set of commands:
kubectl create namespace “$OPERATOR_NAMESPACE”
kubectl apply -f
curl -L | sed -e “s/OPEN_LIBERTY_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE/${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}/” | kubectl apply -f –
kubectl apply -f
As a next step, choose the required topology of the cluster. Two options are available:
By default, every node has its own filesystem with read-write permissions but for access from other containers or persisting after redeployments, the data should be placed to a dedicated volume.
You can use custom dynamic volume provisioner by specifying the required settings in your deployment yaml files.
Or, you can keep already pre-configured volume manager and NFS Storage built-in to Jelastic Kubernetes cluster. As a result, the physical volumes are going to be provisioned dynamically on demand and connected to the containers. Storage Node can be accessed and managed using file manager via dashboard, SFTP or any NFS client.
If necessary you can install auxiliary software to monitor and troubleshoot K8s cluster, and enable API access with help of complementary tools checkboxes:
If you decide not to install them now you can do it later on with a specific Cluster Configuration add-on.
In order to highlight all package features and peculiarities, we initiate the installation of the Open Liberty application server runtime in Production Kubernetes cluster topology with built-in NFS Storage.
Click the Install button and wait a few minutes. Once the installation process is completed the cluster topology looks as follows:
You can access Kubernetes administration dashboard along with Open Liberty application server welcome page from the successful installation window.
Dewacloud menyediakan Kubernetes Cluster yang bisa di-install dengan cepat dan mudah. Gratis untuk 30 hari. Setelah itu biaya akan dihitung per-jam berdasarkan pemakaian resources, mulai dari Rp. 39 per jam atau Rp. 28.000 per bulan. Untuk Kubernetes Cluster, estimasi biaya mulai dari Rp. 90.000 per bulan.
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